We are completing the third year of our school with 60+ students, several consistent volunteers, and dedicated teachers. What an amazing journey this year has been.
Through this year, we are seeing a revolution in the way we partner with families and children.
Our Passion:
We are a hybrid Christian academy disciplining students to be independent critical thinkers, grounded in Christ who positively contribute to our society
Our Values:
We commit to following Christ the King in all of our endeavors. 2 Peter 1:16
Excellence in Education
We are rooted in Excellence & Balance of the whole person. Col 2:7
We commit to cultivating the Fruits of the Spirit (godly character) 2 Peter 3:18, Gal 5:2
Personal Responsibility
We commit to being Responsible for our Actions.
Our Focus:
A balance of in-school & home school education
A balance of the whole child with an awareness of the developmental, spiritual, physical, academic, and character components.
Meeting Each Child Where They Are
Individually tailored, mastery-based education with low teacher/student ratios.
Christ-Centered Leadership & Character Development
Targeted, needs-based Christian character development with celebration of individual progress.